Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1846-2197 ( Print )   |   1848-4972 ( Online )   Active

Journal LAHOR: Journal for Croatian as mother, second and foreign lanugage

Aim & Scope

Journal LAHOR publishes esearch and professional papers which cover broad range of topics on Croatian as L1 and L2. It is the only journal so far that regularly publishes paper on Croatian as a second and foreign language. Another important topic is acquisition and learning Croatian as a mother tongue. It encourages authors to publish research within the fields of linguistics, especially psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, as well as didactics important to Croatian language development, e.g. it's acquisition and learning. It also publishes books and journals reviews, web-pages, conferences and everything which may be useful or interesting for the filed of Croatian language. [1]

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