Periodical (Book Series)

ISSN  :   1873-8788 ( Print )   |   1879-5943 ( Online )   Active

Book Series Experimental Practices

Aim & Scope

The series seeks to develop the status of science, art, literature and philosophy as truly experimental practices, each of which regularly borrows from any and all of the others in order to further its drive to experimentation, invention and innovation. This implies an understanding of the arts as research: i.e. as a particular form of knowledge production and practice among many others. It builds on the collaborative ethos of the US-based, international Society for Science, Literature, and the Arts (SLSA) and seeks to extend this more actively by extending transdisciplinary exchanges between scholars more firmly into collaborations between scholars and artists or scientists. The specific aims of the series are the following: - In order to stimulate the emergence of new modes of discourse and a new aesthetics at the interface between disciplines, the series commissions truly collaborative works associating artists and scholars or scientists in innovative interplay. - Transdisciplinary and in accordance with the aim of fostering collaborations between the arts and sciences, the series combines different epistemological and methodological approaches in order to contribute to the development of theoretical models and analytical tools for concrete and pressing social and scientific problems. - Conscious of the potential of hypertext and electronic publishing for the furtherance of interactive transdisciplinary practices, the series intends to avail itself fully of the latest technology and media and to place itself at the forefront of developments in e-publishing. - Striving to bring into sharp focus the possibilities for critical and creative interplay between science, art, literature and philosophy, the series encourages theoretical debates and political and historical studies of their mutually enriching – or at times disenabling – collaborations and conflicts. - It is also committed to underlining the contribution of European thinkers to its field of study and promoting current European research – significantly, though not exclusively, represented at meetings of SLSAeu (the European branch of the SLSA). The series consists of two strands: 1. Experimental Practices Monographs publishes both works by single authors and truly collaborative volumes. As well as books on larger historical, political and theoretical topics and experimental collaborations across disciplines, it encourages studies concentrating on a single author, artist or indeed work – always providing that such ‘case studies’ provide a direct contribution to methodological, theoretical, philosophical, etc., issues. 2. The Experimental Practices Yearbook publishes papers from the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts. Each yearly publication has a strong individual identity, centered on a specific topic and is entrusted to a distinguished guest editor. [1]

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