Periodical (Book Series)

ISSN  :   1568-1858 ( Print )   |   1875-8150 ( Online )   Active

Book Series European Studies

Aim & Scope

An Interdisciplinary Series in European Culture, History and Politics (Formerly: Yearbook of European Studies / Annuaire d'Etudes Européennes) European Studies is an interdisciplinary series in European culture, history and politics, with a special focus on modern and contemporary phenomena. European Studies is a peer-reviewed book series of which each volume is dedicated to a specific theme from a wide range of disciplinary and, particularly, interdisciplinary perspectives. Studies focusing on the history and workings of the EU, or the relationship between the EU and individual member states are welcomed, but this series also aims to provide a forum for European studies in a broader sense, examining the cultural, historical and ideological aspects of European phenomena and the story and idea of Europe. The Editorial board welcomes suggestions for future projects to be produced by guest editors. In particular, European Studies may provide a vehicle for the publication of thematically focused conference and colloquium proceedings. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1988  -  2000  ) Yearbook of European Studies (  2001  -  9999  ) European Studies

No issues currently indexed for this periodical.