Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0972-8066 ( Print )   |   0972-8074 ( Online )   Active

Journal Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

Aim & Scope

Forensic Science and Forensic medicine are two of the most interesting subjects I know of. If you love forensic science and forensic medicine as much as I do, you will surely love to go through this journal. The journal gives latest articles not only on forensic medicine, but on all aspects of forensic science and also on forensic toxicology. We have some of the best experts on forensic science, forensic medicine and forensic toxicology as editors on our editorial panel. The Journal also specializes in book reviews. Books reviewed in this journal mostly belong to the subject of forensic medicine, but books belonging to forensic science and forensic toxicology are also reviewed. Both technical as well as general books on forensic medicine, forensic science and forensic toxicology are reviewed in this journal. Books from other forensic specialities are also reviewed from time to time. We also review books on criminology, criminal psychology, police science, ethics and bioethics, and law relating to medical practice. We have some of the best experts on forensic science, forensic medicine and forensic toxicology as reviewers on our reviewer panel. In addition to reviewing books on forensic medicine, forensic science and forensic toxicology, this journal also reviews audio tapes, CDs, VCDs, DVDs, Multimedia, Video Cassettes, maps, charts, diagrams, models and even online courses related to forensic medicine. The idea is to spread the love of forensic medicine. Although this journal is specifically catered to professionals of forensic medicine, forensic science and forensic toxicology, even lay people having interest in these subjects find browsing this journal extremely rewarding. [1]

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