Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1544-2225 ( Print )   |   8750-0256 ( Online )   Active

Journal Utne : A Different Read on Life

Aim & Scope

Utne Reader is a digest of the new ideas and fresh perspectives percolating in arts, culture, politics, and spirituality. A combination of original writing and reprints gleaned from books, journals, and the independent media at large, Utne is published quarterly in print and through monthly digital issues. The mission behind every issue of Utne Reader is to start meaningful conversations that transcend traditional labels, biases, and stereotypes; conversations that demonstrate there’s still plenty of room for all of us to grow, to be educated … to be cured of ignorance. Every issue of Utne Reader provides viewpoints from various sources to engage and inform you with what world leaders and common people are doing to address some of the biggest issues facing the planet, and how we as a society are reacting, or should be. Utne readers are enthusiastic and motivated agents of social change who want to spend their time and resources making the world a better place. They crave a well-rounded perspective on current events that moves beyond the headlines and sound bites—something Utne Reader has been providing since it was created by Eric Utne in 1984. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1983  -  2002  ) Utne Reader (  2002  -  9999  ) Utne : A Different Read on Life

No issues currently indexed for this periodical.