Periodical (Book Series)

ISSN  :   1569-3767 ( Print )   |   1875-5437 ( Online )   Active

Book Series International Finance Review

Aim & Scope

International Finance Review publishes theme-oriented special issues on various aspects of international finance.Topics covered include but are not limited to: global risk, emerging markets, international investment, global corporate finance and governance, economic and financial integration, currency and capital markets, multinational financial management, and related issues. International Finance Review’s key asset lies in the study of global finance and its interaction with domestic financial markets while including practical discussions. Manuscripts are peer reviewed by internal and external academic experts and comments are sent back to authors within two months. International Finance Review welcomes proposals for themed issues. The Editor is keen to assess proposals of special issues that have: a team of two scholars with expertise of local or regional knowledge and in the theme chosen; a broad enough and critical subject to attract quality manuscripts; submissions from international authors; and some discussions linked to practice. [1]

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