Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1844-6051 ( Print )   |   2344-3677 ( Online )   Active

Journal Annals of "Constantin Brâncuşi" University of Târgu-Jiu - Serie Letters and Social Science

Aim & Scope

“Constantin Brancusi” University Annals from Targu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series is published by ”Academica Brâncuşi” Press of “Constantin Brancusi” University from Targu-Jiu, a state university, institutionally certified. The magazine includes articles from the historical, social, philosophical field, with the following objectives: encouraging research in education, enlarging the horizon of knowledge in the field of letters and social sciences. The magazine aims to: Answer through its activity of the birth of a coherent and efficient network of broadcasting information in the field of letters and social sciences; Identify the scientific and research potential of the University in the field of letters and social sciences; Draw prestigious collaborators from the country or from abroad that could make a contribution to the development of scientific research; Encourage research in education; To assert national and international identity, scietntific research developed by the professors of the Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences, at “Constantin Brancusi” University from Târgu-Jiu. [1]

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