Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1692-0791 ( Print )   |   2521-9944 ( Online )   Active

Journal GeoTropico

Aim & Scope

GeoTrópico is a peer-reviewed semi-annual online journal of the GeoLat Group. The journal is concerned with the diffusion of geographical studies dealing with the intertropical realm. GeoTrópico is published under the sponsorship of individuals and institutions interested in fostering geography and scientific development in the area, particularly in the Latin American region. In this respect, GeoLat acknowledges the generous support given by the University of Córdoba, Montería, Colombia in the initial stage of the project. GeoTrópico invites geographers and related scientists to contribute to the success of this new electronic serial. The editors welcome: substantive papers dealing with any aspect of the region; methodological and theoretical essays; and review articles: Book reviews, and notes of interest on tropical geography are also welcomed. It may be assured that papers published in this journal will have ample dissemination within the academic and scientific communities. [1]

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