Periodical (Book Series)

ISSN  :   1871-8736 ( Print )   |   1879-6060 ( Online )   Active

Book Series Themes in Theatre

Aim & Scope

The series Themes in Theatre is published in association with the International Federation for Theatre Research/Fédération Internationale pour la Recherche Théâtrale (FIRT/IFTR) and provides a publishing environment for collective work by its members. Monographs are not considered for this series; it aims at volumes that are characterised by a high level of interconnectedness – each author clearly contributing to a central subject within the field of theatre and performance. The fact that the multiple authors will have discussed the subject and their contributions among each other not only ensures a high level of consistency within each volume but also results in a gamut of approaches and perspectives that nevertheless are centrally focused. As such the series reflects contemporary issues and current scholarship within international theatre studies. Its main contributors are the working groups of the FIRT/IFTR consisting of specialists working on diverse subjects at the forefront of theatre research. Therefore Themes in Theatre is not limited to any specific ‘-ism’, theatre genre, approach or methodology. As long as academic standards are met and the collectivity of the work is ensured we welcome historical, critical, theoretical, analytical or other subjects that are related to the theatrical arts. However, the set-up of the series is such that it explicitly furthers interdisciplinary work and reflection on concepts and methods. [1]

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