Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1809-094X ( Print )   |   2236-9716 ( Online )   |   2238-9210 ( Online )   Active

Journal Revista Geoaraguaia

Aim & Scope

Revista Geoaraguaia is a magazine of the Department of Geography, published semesterly by the University Campus of Araguaia / Federal University of Mato Grosso, which will be published exclusively through the Internet. It is a national and international scientific journal that intends to publish articles, notes, reports of experiences, reviews, excerpts of theses, dissertations, monographs and articles of a theoretical-methodological nature., seeking to maintain a level of demand and quality, although it is open to themes, with approaches and methodologies linked to the social and environmental sciences. This journal is addressed to the entire scientific community and will mainly publish articles in Portuguese and Spanish, also accepting works in English and French. Revista Geoaraguaia is a bet on interdisciplinarity so that the exchange of ideas and collaboration between researchers of the most diverse disciplines takes place, becoming an interdisciplinary forum for debate. The material published by the journal may be reproduced for personal and academic use, provided the source is quoted, including the URL of the journal. The opinions expressed in articles and reviews are the sole responsibility of their authors. If the number of articles submitted exceeds seven in each semester. [1]

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