Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0021-2148 ( Print )   |   1869-5868 ( Online )   Active

Journal Israel Journal of Chemistry

Aim & Scope

The fledgling State of Israel began to publish its scientific activity in 1951 under the general heading of Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, which quickly split into sections to accommodate various fields in the growing academic community. In 1963, the Bulletin ceased publication and independent journals were born, with Section A becoming the new Israel Journal of Chemistry. The Israel Journal of Chemistry is the official journal of the Israel Chemical Society. The Israel Journal of Chemistry is an international and peer-reviewed publication forum for Special Issues on timely research topics in all fields of chemistry: from biochemistry through organic and inorganic chemistry to polymer, physical and theoretical chemistry, including all interdisciplinary topics. Each topical issue is edited by one or several Guest Editors and primarily contains invited Review articles. Communications and Full Papers may be published occasionally, if they fit with the quality standards of the journal. The publication language is English and the journal is published twelve times a year. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1957  -  1963  ) Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section A: Chemistry (  1963  -  9999  ) Israel Journal of Chemistry
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