Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0022-0965 ( Print )   |   1096-0457 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Experimental Child Psychology is an excellent source of information concerning all aspects of the development of children. It includes psychological research on cognitive, social, and physical development. Although the focus is on reports of experiments with infants, children, and adolescents, the journal also includes theoretical papers and methodological notes. In the new Reflections format, a lead empirical article is followed by a set of reflections on the article. Scholars discuss one or more of the empirical, theoretical, methodological, or analytical issues raised by the initial paper. In addition, the journal periodically publishes Special Topic issues. Research Areas include: Child behavior; Child psychology; Methodology. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 246
35 RESULTS in 17 msec

Imagining the future improves saving in preschoolers.

J Zhang , KD Vohs , SM Carlson

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , 2024 - VOLUME 246 , p 105966.


  1 59


The effect of choice on memory across development

Z Ding , W Li , C Chen , ... , M Zhang

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , 2024 - VOLUME 246 , p 105982.


  0 66