Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0011-7315 ( Print )   |   1540-5915 ( Online )   Active

Journal Decision Sciences

Aim & Scope

The central theme of the Decision Sciences Institute is not problem solving per se, but decision making in public and private organizations utilizing behavioral, economic, and quantitative methods of analysis. Decision Sciences articles, therefore, must have a decision-making orientation and address problems of managerial significance. A reasonable case should be made for the importance of the problem. Under this aegis, the Editor's objective is to attain a broad coverage of topics at a level of sophistication that will place the journal within the grasp of the entire membership. [1]

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11 RESULTS in 13 msec

Order basket contents and consumer returns

No authors listed.

Decision Sciences , 2024


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How a dedicated postdischarge unit can reduce hospital congestion and costs

No authors listed.

Decision Sciences , 2024


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