Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0276-7783 ( Print )   |   2162-9730 ( Online )   Active

Journal MIS Quarterly

Aim & Scope

The editorial objective of the MIS Quarterly is the enhancement and communication of knowledge concerning the development of IT-based services, the management of IT resources, and the use, impact, and economics of IT with managerial, organizational, and societal implications. Professional issues affecting the IS field as a whole are also in the purview of the journal. The MIS Quarterly’s trifecta vision is to (1) achieve impact on scholarship and practice as the leading source of novel and accreted IS knowledge, (2) exhibit range in work published with respect to problem domains and stakeholders addressed as well as theoretical and methodological approaches used, and (3) execute effective editorial processes in a timely manner. [1]

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Privacy Breaches and the Effect of Customer Notification

J Kim , C Wang , F Wu

MIS Quarterly , 2024


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