Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0266-0784 ( Print )   |   1474-0567 ( Online )   Active

Journal English Today

Aim & Scope

English Today will interest everyone concerned with or fascinated by the English language - teachers and advanced students of English as a first or second language; linguists writers broadcasters and journalists; and anyone with a broad general interest in English. It covers all aspects of the language including its uses and abuses its international variations its history literature and linguistics and its usages and neologisms. Special articles and regular features keep readers up to date with current opinion and recent developments. Vigorous debates continue on the nature and teaching of the international standard language academic models of the language and the influence of new communication technologies on English. [1]

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11 RESULTS in 14 msec

Stylistic functions of anglicisms in German radio

S Schaefer

English Today , 2024 , pp 1-5.


0 8


Representativeness of the Hong Kong English lexicon

M Yeung , A Yau , C Lee

English Today , 2024 , pp 1-6.


0 7


English as a global language in China

L Pan , P Seargeant

English Today , 2024 , pp 1-7.


0 2


POV: me, an empath, sensing the linguistic urge . . . to study the forms and functions of text-memes

No authors listed.

English Today , 2024 , pp 1-8.


0 0


Syntactic variation in Hong Kong English

Y Köylü

English Today , 2024 , pp 1-9.


0 0