Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0090-1830 ( Print )   |   0099-9970 ( Online )   |   1939-2044 ( Online )   Active

Journal Marine Fisheries Review (MFR)

Aim & Scope

The quarterly journal, Marine Fisheries Review (MFR), has been an official publication of the U.S. government since 1939. It publishes review articles, research reports, significant progress reports, technical notes, and news articles on fisheries science, engineering and economics, commercial and recreational fisheries, marine mammal studies, aquaculture, and U.S. and foreign fisheries developments. Emphasis, however, is on indepth review articles and practical or applied aspects of marine fisheries rather than pure research. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1946  -  1972  ) Commercial Fisheries Review (  1972  -  9999  ) Marine Fisheries Review (MFR)
2023 - VOLUME 84, ISSUES 3-4
3 RESULTS in 10 msec

Morphometric Conversions for 33 Shark Species from the Western North Atlantic Ocean: supp. table 1

No authors listed.

Marine Fisheries Review (MFR) , 2023 - VOLUME 84, ISSUES 3-4


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Morphometric Conversions for 33 Shark Species from the Western North Atlantic Ocean

No authors listed.

Marine Fisheries Review (MFR) , 2023 - VOLUME 84, ISSUES 3-4 , pp 1-65.


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