Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1938-7989 ( Print )   |   1938-7997 ( Online )   Active

Journal Statistics and Its Interface

Aim & Scope

Exploring the interface between the field of statistics and other disciplines, including but not limited to: biomedical sciences, geosciences, computer sciences, engineering, and social and behavioral sciences. Publishes high-quality articles in broad areas of statistical science, emphasizing substantive problems, sound statistical models and methods, clear and efficient computational algorithms, and insightful discussions of the motivating problems. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 17, ISSUE 4
10 RESULTS in 12 msec

Default Bayesian testing for the zero-inflated Poisson distribution

Y Han , H Hwang , H Ng , S Kim

Statistics and Its Interface , 2024 - VOLUME 17, ISSUE 4 , pp 623-634.


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A consistent specification test for functional linear quantile regression models

L Xia , Z Zhang , G Shi

Statistics and Its Interface , 2024 - VOLUME 17, ISSUE 4 , pp 649-667.


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