Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1368-8804 ( Print )   |   1469-9729 ( Online )   Active

Journal Media History

Aim & Scope

Media History is an interdisciplinary journal which addresses media and society from the fifteenth century to the present. Its perspective is both historical and international. It will explore all forms of serial publication in manuscript, print and electronic media and will encourage work which crosses the boundaries of politics, culture and communications. The Editor's aim is to provide an effective forum centred on academic research for the development of this important area of historical studies. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1993  -  1997  ) Studies in Newspaper and Periodical History (  1998  -  9999  ) Media History
21 RESULTS in 23 msec

Locating Medical Television

T Close-Koenig , L Herde , A Mold , P Stiasny

Media History , 2024 , pp 1-11.


0 12


‘I cannot give the name of the source to the court’

K Rafter

Media History , 2024 , pp 1-13.


0 0


Enlivening Wit

A Lombardinilo

Media History , 2024 , pp 1-15.


0 5