Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1022-0461 ( Print )   |   1938-0275 ( Online )   Active

Journal South African Journal of International Affairs

Aim & Scope

The South African Institute of International Affairs is an independent, non-governmental organisation focusing on South Africa's and Africa's international relations. SAIIA provides cutting edge analysis and promotes balanced dialogue, thus contributing to effective policy making on issues critical to Africa and its engagement in a dynamic global context. The South African Journal of International Affairs is an outward-looking International Relations journal. While taking a South African and African perspective, articles are comparative, and address issues of global importance. Published since 1993, SAJIA has become a leading South African journal publishing original and review articles on international relations involving and affecting Africa. [1]

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21 RESULTS in 12 msec

Semi-consociationalism in Burundi

E Aboultaif , T Hachem

South African Journal of International Affairs , 2024 , pp 1-17.


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