Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0163-5808 ( Print )   |   1943-5835 ( Online )   Active

Journal SIGMOD Record

Aim & Scope

SIGMOD investigates the development and application of database technology to support the full range of data management needs. The scope of interests and members is wide with an almost equal mix of people from industryand academia. SIGMOD sponsors an annual conference that is regarded as one of the most important in the field, particularly for practitioners. Areas of Special Interest: Active and temporal data management, data mining and models, database programming languages, databases on the WWW, distributed data management, engineering, federated multi-database and mobile management, query processing & optimization, rapid application development tools, spatial data management, user interfaces. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1969  -  1976  ) FDT: File Description and Translation (  1976  -  9999  ) SIGMOD Record
2024 - VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1
18 RESULTS in 19 msec

Technical Perspective: Allocating Isolation Levels to Transactions in a Multiversion Setting

A Fekete

SIGMOD Record , 2024 - VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1 , p 15.


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Allocating Isolation Levels to Transactions in a Multiversion Setting

B Vandevoort , B Ketsman , F Neven

SIGMOD Record , 2024 - VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1 , pp 16-23.


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Technical Perspective: From Binary Join to Free Join

T Neumann

SIGMOD Record , 2024 - VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1 , p 24.


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From Binary Join to Free Join

Y Remy Wang , M Willsey , D Suciu

SIGMOD Record , 2024 - VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1 , pp 25-31.


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Technical Perspective: Efficient and Reusable Lazy Sampling

T Neumann

SIGMOD Record , 2024 - VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1 , p 32.


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Efficient and Reusable Lazy Sampling

V Sanca , P Chrysogelos , A Ailamaki

SIGMOD Record , 2024 - VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1 , pp 33-42.


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Technical Perspective: Unicorn: A Unified Multi-Tasking Matching Model

A Doan

SIGMOD Record , 2024 - VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1 , p 43.


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Unicorn: A Unified Multi-Tasking Matching Model

J Fan , J Tu , G Li , ... , N Tang

SIGMOD Record , 2024 - VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1 , pp 44-53.


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