Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1609-0985 ( Print )   |   2199-4757 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE)

Aim & Scope

The purpose of Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, JMBE, is committed to encouraging and providing the standard of biomedical engineering. The journal is devoted to publishing papers related to clinical engineering, biomedical signals, medical imaging, bio-informatics, tissue engineering, and so on. Other than the above articles, any contributions regarding hot issues and technological developments that help reach the purpose are also included. JMBE is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October and December since February 2009. JMBE is officially affiliated with the Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering; the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society (CMBES) and World Association for Chinese Biomedical Engineers (WACBE). JMBE now is a member of CrossRef and has joined CrossCheck to fight against plagiarism. Ensure high ethical standards for all of the submitted papers. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1981  -  2000  ) Chinese Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (  2000  -  9999  ) Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE)
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