Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1382-4090 ( Print )   |   1572-9303 ( Online )   Active

Journal Ramanujan Journal

Aim & Scope

The Ramanujan Journal publishes original papers of the highest quality in all areas of mathematics influenced by Srinivasa Ramanujan. His remarkable discoveries have made a great impact on several branches of mathematics, revealing deep and fundamental connections. The following prioritized listing of topics of interest to the journal is not intended to be exclusive but to demonstrate the editorial policy of attracting papers which represent a broad range of interest: Hyper-geometric and basic hyper-geometric series (q-series); Partitions, compositions and combinatory analysis; Circle method and asymptotic formulae; Mock theta functions; Elliptic and theta functions; Modular forms and automorphic functions; Special functions and definite integrals; Continued fractions; Diophantine analysis including irrationality and transcendence; Number theory; Fourier analysis with applications to number theory; Connections between Lie algebras and q-series. [1]

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96 RESULTS in 26 msec

Sums of logarithmic weights involving r-full numbers

I Kiuchi

Ramanujan Journal , 2024


0 7


Partitions into Segal–Piatetski–Shapiro sequences

Y Li , N Zhou

Ramanujan Journal , 2024


0 25