Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1025-496X ( Print )   |   1560-7917 ( Online )   Active

Journal Eurosurveillance : European Communicable Disease Bulletin

Aim & Scope

Eurosurveillance is a European peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to the epidemiology, surveillance, prevention and control of communicable diseases, with a focus on such topics that are of relevance to Europe. It is a weekly online journal, with 50 issues per year published on Thursdays, and features short rapid communications, longer in-depth research articles, surveillance and outbreak reports, reviews and perspective papers, as well as short news items. Timely publication of short authoritative papers on ongoing outbreaks or other relevant public health events is one of the major assets of the journal. Under special circumstances when current events need to be urgently communicated to readers for rapid public health action, e-alerts can be released outside of the regular publishing schedule. Topical compilations of selected articles and special issues are also published in print with a limited number of copies. [1]

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Companion / Sister Periodical(s)
1 RESULTS in 5 msec
Inactive ( 1997 - 2007 )   Eurosurveillance - Weekly Releases

9999-1233 ( Undetermined ) 
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

546 2215
2024 - VOLUME 29, ISSUE 29
6 RESULTS in 17 msec
Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
5 RESULTS in 22 msec

PubPeer Comment

Berosus Garciai

2022 - VOLUME 2022, ISSUE 6

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

PubPeer Comment

Reissantia Angustipetala

2020 - VOLUME 2020, ISSUE 12

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

PubPeer Comment

Sandeep Chakraborty

2020 - VOLUME 2020, ISSUE 2

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0