Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1086-0266 ( Print )   |   1552-7417 ( Online )   Active

Journal Organization and Environment (OAE)

Aim & Scope

Organization & Environment aims to publish rigorous and impactful research on the management of organizations and its implications for the sustainability and flourishing of the social, natural and economic environment in which they act. To this end, it searches for insightful contributions to the academic, managerial and policy debates related to the sustainable development of organizations, grounded on sound business scholarship (management, marketing, accounting, operations, finance, etc.) as well as high quality social, environmental or life science research speaking to the phenomena of interest at any level of analysis, from neurons to planetary systems. In addition to the standard theory development and theory testing endeavors, O&E welcomes studies focused on new phenomena, not completely explainable with extant knowledge, and the consequent launch of novel theoretical and empirical lines of inquiry. Critical to the assessment of these “data first” type of contributions is their capacity to expose the failure of existing theories to explain the empirical evidence and the potential capacity of the proposed inquiry to do so. O&E is open to all research methodologies, as long as they are applied in line with the highest quality standards. It also welcomes the registration, and in specific cases the publication, of experimental designs, especially complex field experiments. The journal commits to publish the results of well executed, registered, studies, regardless of the scientific outcome (i.e. irrespectively of the support of hypothesized effects). [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1993  -  1996  ) Industrial and Environmental Crisis Quarterly (  1997  -  9999  ) Organization and Environment (OAE)
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