Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1448-0107 ( Print )   |   2206-3447 ( Online )   Active

Journal Australian Field Ornithology

Aim & Scope

Australian Field Ornithology (formerly Australian Bird Watcher) is a peer-reviewed online journal publishing papers on a broad spectrum of topics in Australasian ornithology, including ecology, behaviour, breeding biology and natural history of individual species and groups. It has a particular, but not exclusive, emphasis on data or observations obtained in the field and it regularly includes authoritative reviews of other ornithological publications. Original contributions are welcome from anyone conducting research on birds in the Australasian region (including Australia and its Territories, as well as Wallacea, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia). Potential authors should check the guidelines for contributors and submission details. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1959  -  2002  ) Australian Bird Watcher (  2003  -  9999  ) Australian Field Ornithology
2024 - VOLUME 41
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