Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0363-7751 ( Print )   |   1479-5787 ( Online )   Active

Journal Communication Monographs

Aim & Scope

Communication Monographs, published in March, June, September & December, reports original, theoretically grounded research dealing with human symbolic exchange across the broad spectrum of interpersonal, group, organizational, cultural and mediated contexts in which such activities occur. The scholarship reflects diverse modes of inquiry and methodologies that bear on the ways in which communication is shaped and functions in human interaction. The Journal endeavours to publish the highest quality communication social science manuscripts that are grounded theoretically. The manuscripts aim to expand, qualify or integrate existing theory or additionally advance new theory. The Journal is not restricted to particular theoretical or methodological perspectives. Manuscripts reflecting diverse issues, scholarly modes of inquiry, and innovative thinking about the ways in which communication is shaped and functions in human interaction are presented. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1934  -  1975  ) Speech Monographs (  1976  -  9999  ) Communication Monographs
18 RESULTS in 14 msec

News bias perceptions as impacted by source cues, content cues, and media bias ratings

No authors listed.

Communication Monographs , 2024 , pp 1-20.


0 0


Meanings and dilemmas of consent communication for sexual minorities

No authors listed.

Communication Monographs , 2024 , pp 1-21.


1 0