Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1326-0111 ( Print )   |   2049-7784 ( Online )   Active

Journal Australian Journal of Indigenous Education

Aim & Scope

Published in association with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit, The University of Queensland, the Australian Journal of Indigenous Education is an internationally refereed journal which publishes papers and reports on the theory, method, and practice of Indigenous education. The journal welcomes articles that ground theoretical reflections and discussions in qualitative and quantitative studies, as well as examples of best practice with a focus on Indigenous education. While AJIE has a particular focus on Indigenous education in Australia and Oceania, research which explores educational contexts and experiences around the globe are welcome. AJIE seeks to foster debate between researchers, government, and community groups on the shifting paradigms, problems, and practical outcomes of Indigenous education. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1973  -  1995  ) Aboriginal Child at School (  1996  -  9999  ) Australian Journal of Indigenous Education
2023 - VOLUME 52, ISSUE 2
8 RESULTS in 11 msec

Relational learning: Embedding Indigenous ways in whitestream social work

No authors listed.

Australian Journal of Indigenous Education , 2023 - VOLUME 52, ISSUE 2


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Growing learning dispositions in Indigenous studies

No authors listed.

Australian Journal of Indigenous Education , 2023 - VOLUME 52, ISSUE 2


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No authors listed.

Australian Journal of Indigenous Education , 2023 - VOLUME 52, ISSUE 2


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