Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0378-2891 ( Print )   |   2687-4296 ( Online )   Active

Journal Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Antropoloji Dergisi

Aim & Scope

Anthropology (also known as Ankara University Faculty of Letters Anthropology Journal) is the first and only peer-reviewed journal for the general anthropological field in Turkey, firstly published in 1963 under the editorial of late Ord. Prof. Dr. Şevket Aziz Kansu. The journal still keeps it peculiarity of being the sole purely anthropological journal in Turkey. Anthropology aims to provide a Turkish and English publication platform in Turkey for academics, researchers and students to publish about Anthropology and all related disciplines. Furthermore, the journal aims to provide a means of quality publication for the social and scientific development. Anthropology Journal accepts articles within an extensive scope, mainly from Paleoanthropology, Physical Anthropology, Social/Cultural Anthropology and Forensic Anthropology. Paleoanthroplogy: Human paleontology, hominin phylogeny, paleolithic cultures, ancient DNA, paleogenetics, paleontology/systematic paleontology, paleodemography, skeletal biology, osteology, epigenetic characters on human skeleton, paleodontology, cultural history of Anatolia… Physical Anthropology: Human growth and development, ergonomics, anthropology of sport, gerontology, anthropometry, body composition… Social/Cultural Anthropology: Anthropology of religion, political anthropology, medical anthropology, anthropology of body, philosophical anthropology, gender studies, kinship and social organization, identity/ethnicity, etnographic studies… Forensic Anthropology: Forensic anthropology, forensic identification, facial reconstruction, forensic taphonomy etc. [1]

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