Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1344-3941 ( Print )   |   1740-0929 ( Online )   Active

Journal Animal Science Journal

Aim & Scope

Animal Science Journal, the official English peer-reviewed publication of the Japanese Society of Animal Science, publishes Original Articles and Review Articles in all fields of animal and poultry science: genetics and breeding, genetic engineering, reproduction, embryo manipulation, nutrition, feeds and feeding, physiology, anatomy, environment and behavior, animal products (milk, meat, eggs and their by-products) and their processing, and livestock economics. Animal Science Journal is supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results form the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan. Animal Science Journal (a continuation of Animal Science and Technology) is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Animal Science (JSAS) and publishes Original Research Articles (full papers and rapid communications) in English in all fields of animal and poultry science: genetics and breeding, genetic engineering, reproduction, embryo manipulation, nutrition, feeds and feeding, physiology, anatomy, environment and behavior, animal products (milk, meat, eggs and their by-products) and their processing, and livestock economics. Animal Science Journal will invite Review Articles in consultations with Editors. Submission to the Journal is open to those who are interested in animal science. [1]

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Active ( 1999  -  9999 )   Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho

1346-907X ( Print )  1880-8255 ( Online ) 
Japanese Society of Animal Science (JSAS)

120 1095
2024 - VOLUME 95, ISSUE 1
72 RESULTS in 14 msec

Issue Information

No authors listed.

Animal Science Journal , 2024 - VOLUME 95, ISSUE 1


0 0


Human social enrichment is linked with reduced mortality in artificially reared ewe lambs.

S Cowie

Animal Science Journal , 2024 - VOLUME 95, ISSUE 1 , p e13913.


  0 37


Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
4 RESULTS in 10 msec

Meat quality traits as a function of cow maturity.

SH Cho , G Kang , P Seong , ... , I Hwang

Animal Science Journal
2017 - VOLUME 88, ISSUE 5 pp 781-789.
  Retracted Publication
6 59

Notice of Retraction

No authors listed.

Animal Science Journal
2024 - VOLUME 95, ISSUE 1

p e13979.
  Retraction of Publication
0 1

PubPeer Comment

Oribatella Calcarata

2023 - VOLUME 2023, ISSUE 8

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

Effects of (-)-hydroxycitric acid on lipid droplet accumulation in chicken embryos.

M Peng , L Li , L Yu , ... , H Ma

Animal Science Journal
2018 - VOLUME 89, ISSUE 1 pp 237-249.
  Retracted Publication
8 46

Notice of Retraction

No authors listed.

Animal Science Journal
2023 - VOLUME 94, ISSUE 1

p e13837.
  Retraction of Publication
1 1


PubPeer Comment

Apiochaeta Chiloensis

2023 - VOLUME 2023, ISSUE 8

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

Notice of Retraction

No authors listed.

Animal Science Journal
2016 - VOLUME 87, ISSUE 2

p 308.
  Retraction of Publication
0 1