Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2239-9747 ( Online )   Active

Journal Translational Medicine at UniSa

Aim & Scope

Translational Medicine @ UniSa is the Official Journal of the Medical School of the University of Salerno. Dissemination of scientific and medical research is quicker and smoother in open access on-line journals and thus TranslationalMedicine has been developed as a forum for the free and open international exchange of progress in Medicine. Translational research is a set of processes aiming to bridge the gap between laboratory discoveries and clinical medicine by harnessing and integrating advances in basic and medical sciences, and converting them into novel approaches for disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and also to provide feedback from clinical observations to experimental basic biology research. To this aim the Journal welcomes all health-related papers concerned with the pre-clinical subjects and medical sciences as well as the studies in multiple basic science areas that include but are not limited to molecular and cell biology, genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 26, ISSUE 1
8 RESULTS in 16 msec

Sex and Gender in Ageing and Longevity: Highlights from an International Course

G Candore , G Accardi , A Aiello , ... , C Caruso

Translational Medicine at UniSa , 2024 - VOLUME 26, ISSUE 1 , pp 15-29.


1 82


Telerehabilitation: a solution for patients after hip fracture?

A Bramanti , R Ciurleo , C Vecchione , ... , M Calabrese

Translational Medicine at UniSa , 2024 - VOLUME 26, ISSUE 1 , pp 30-37.


0 23

Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
2 RESULTS in 10 msec

Vasopressin vs Terlipressin in Treatment of Refractory Shock.

G Scarpati , O Piazza

Translational Medicine at UniSa
2013 - VOLUME 5 pp 22-27.
  Retracted Publication
6 58

Notice of Retraction

No authors listed.

Translational Medicine at UniSa
2015 - VOLUME 12

p 4.
  Retraction of Publication
0 2

Notice of Retraction

No authors listed.

Translational Medicine at UniSa
2015 - VOLUME 12

p 4.
  Retraction of Publication
0 2