Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0034-9593 ( Print )   |   1944-6446 ( Online )   Active

Journal Revista Hispanica Moderna

Aim & Scope

Founded in 1934 as Boletín del Instituto de las Españas at Columbia University, Revista Hispánica Moderna is a semiannual peer-reviewed journal committed to the dissemination of outstanding scholarship in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literary and cultural studies. It publishes essays and book reviews in Spanish, English, or Portuguese on the full spectrum of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian cultural production in Europe, Latin America and the United States, and in all historical periods, from the Middle Ages to the present. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1931  -  1934  ) Boletín del Instituto de las Españas (  1934  -  9999  ) Revista Hispanica Moderna
2024 - VOLUME 77, ISSUE 1
10 RESULTS in 37 msec

Estética y política de lo sublime en Facundo

C Mendoza

Revista Hispanica Moderna , 2024 - VOLUME 77, ISSUE 1 , pp 1-21.


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Monumentalizing Landscapes: Ontologies of Scale and Guatemalan National Consolidation

D Azurdia

Revista Hispanica Moderna , 2024 - VOLUME 77, ISSUE 1 , pp 22-38.


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Mapping Salvador Novo's Itineraries: Towards a Literary Archaeology of Urban Settlements

I Canton

Revista Hispanica Moderna , 2024 - VOLUME 77, ISSUE 1 , pp 57-78.


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"Miguel de Unamuno and the Redemption of Antero de Quental"

R Newcomb

Revista Hispanica Moderna , 2024 - VOLUME 77, ISSUE 1 , pp 79-96.


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Escribir después de morir. El archivo y el más allá by Javier Guerrero (review)

No authors listed.

Revista Hispanica Moderna , 2024 - VOLUME 77, ISSUE 1 , pp 127-129.


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Un intelectual en tiempos sombríos: Francisco Ayala, entre la razón y las emociones (1929–1949) by Javier Krauel (review)

No authors listed.

Revista Hispanica Moderna , 2024 - VOLUME 77, ISSUE 1 , pp 130-132.


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Barcelona, City of Margins by Olga Sendra (review)

No authors listed.

Revista Hispanica Moderna , 2024 - VOLUME 77, ISSUE 1 , pp 132-135.


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