Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1368-4302 ( Print )   |   1461-7188 ( Online )   Active

Journal Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (GPIR)

Aim & Scope

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations is a scientific social psychology journal dedicated to research on social psychological processes within and between groups. It provides a forum for and is aimed at researchers and students in social psychology and related disciples (e.g., organizational and management sciences, political science, sociology, language and communication, cross cultural psychology, international relations) that have a scientific interest in the social psychology of human groups. The journal has an extensive editorial team that includes many if not most of the leading scholars in social psychology of group processes and intergroup relations from around the world. GPIR communicates basic and applied empirical research and theory on topics of critical concern to society: prejudice; discrimination; stereotyping; social categorization; minority and majority influence; conformity; group decision-making; leadership; group structure; group socialization; bargaining and negotiation; intergroup conflict and cooperation; collective action and cognition; collective self and identity; social identity; language and identity; ethnic and cultural relations; and social dilemmas. [1]

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