Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2043-9032 ( Print )   |   2043-9040 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Work Innovation (IJWI)

Aim & Scope

IJWI is a fully-refereed multi-disciplinary international journal dedicated to the study of work innovation. It proposes and fosters research and discussion on innovative work practices including new forms of work organisation (such as virtual teams, network organisations, teleworking, learning organisations, flexible and dispersed work, etc.) as well as the so-called innovative work practices and philosophy (such as knowledge management, teamwork, lean management, project-based work, outsourcing, etc.). Topics covered include: Managing new work practices and innovative workplaces; Exploring the organisational and social implications of new ways of working; Exploring the impacts of innovative work practices in terms of control and power; Managing knowledge in new forms of work organisations; Exploring the impacts of work innovation on environment, energy and transportation; Enhancing distributed work through workplace design and ICTs. [1]

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