Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2165-7025 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Novel Physiotherapies

Aim & Scope

Novel Physiotherapy is one of the best open access journals that aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in the field and provide online access to the researchers worldwide without any restrictions or subscriptions. Physiotherapy journals are peer reviewed journals, serving the International Scientific Community. This journal offers an open access platform to the authors to publish their research outcome and thus helps in improving the citations for authors and attaining a good impact factor. [1]

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2019 - VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1
5 RESULTS in 9 msec
not available

Isokinetic Profile of Elbow Flexor and Extensor Muscles in Climbers and Non-Climbers

No authors listed.

Journal of Novel Physiotherapies , 2019 - VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1


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not available

Effect of a Short-term Corrective Exercise Program on Chronic Knee and Hip Pain

No authors listed.

Journal of Novel Physiotherapies , 2019 - VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1


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not available

Comparison of Proprioception between Kinesiology and Adhesive Ankle Taping: A Randomised Experimental Study

No authors listed.

Journal of Novel Physiotherapies , 2019 - VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1


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not available

Arches and Points in the Foot of Running Athletes

No authors listed.

Journal of Novel Physiotherapies , 2019 - VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1


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not available

Hydrotherapy in the Elderly: A Review of the Literature

No authors listed.

Journal of Novel Physiotherapies , 2019 - VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1


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