Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0920-1742 ( Print )   |   1573-5168 ( Online )   Active

Journal Fish Physiology and Biochemistry

Aim & Scope

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry is an international journal publishing original research papers in all aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of fishes. Coverage includes experimental work in such topics as biochemistry of organisms, organs, tissues and cells; structure of organs, tissues, cells and organelles related to their function; nutritional, osmotic, ionic, respiratory and excretory homeostasis; nerve and muscle physiology; endocrinology; reproductive physiology; energetics; biochemical and physiological effects of toxicants; molecular biology and biotechnology and more. The journal presents full papers, brief communications, rapid communications, unsolicited and invited reviews and editorial comments and announcements. [1]

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