Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0716-0798 ( Print )   |   2735-6825 ( Online )   Active

Journal Taller de Letras

Aim & Scope

Taller de Letras , founded in 1971, is a biannual publication (June-December) of the Department of Literature of the Faculty of Letters of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, it also occasionally publishes special issues. It publishes academic essays, articles, reviews and documents in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Its theme deals with literatures, preferably Latin American, that have an updated theoretical-critical perspective. From a literary axis, it establishes interdisciplinary dialogues around the links between subjectivities, communities and cultures. [1]

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2024 - ISSUE 74
13 RESULTS in 13 msec

Coloquialismo revisitado

A Calderón Farfán

Taller de Letras , 2024 - ISSUE 74 , pp 6-27.


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hijos terribles de José Donoso

M Navarro Morales , M Insulza Díaz , J Fierro Bustos

Taller de Letras , 2024 - ISSUE 74 , pp 136-164.


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Cartografía de la presencia afro en la literatura y los estudios literarios chilenos

T Rothe

Taller de Letras , 2024 - ISSUE 74 , pp 196-234.


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Deja que los muertos entierren a sus muertos

N Pino Luna

Taller de Letras , 2024 - ISSUE 74 , pp 239-240.


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