Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1664-039X ( Print )   |   1664-0403 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Spectral Theory

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Spectral Theory is devoted to the publication of research articles that focus on spectral theory and its many areas of application. The following list includes several aspects of spectral theory and also fields which feature substantial applications of (or to) spectral theory. Schrödinger operators, scattering theory and resonances; eigenvalues: perturbation theory, asymptotics and inequalities; quantum graphs, graph Laplacians; pseudo-differential operators and semi-classical analysis; random matrix theory; the Anderson model and other random media; non-self-adjoint matrices and operators, including Toeplitz operators; spectral geometry, including manifolds and automorphic forms; linear and nonlinear differential operators, especially those arising in geometry and physics; orthogonal polynomials; inverse problems. [1]

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