Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1389-6911 ( Print )   |   2468-2438 ( Online )   Active

Journal ICGA Journal

Aim & Scope

The ICGA Journal provides an international forum for computer games researchers presenting new results on ongoing work. The editors invite contributors to submit papers on all aspects of research related to computers and games. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: (1) the current state of game-playing programs for classic and modern board and card games (2) the current state of virtual, casual and video games (3) new theoretical developments in game-related research, and (4) general scientific contributions produced by the study of games. Also welcome is research on topics such as: (5) social aspects of computer games (6) cognitive research of how humans play games (7) capture and analysis of game data, and (8) issues related to networked games are invited to submit their contributions. [1]

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8 RESULTS in 22 msec

Editorial: Many quests

M Winands

ICGA Journal , 2024 , p 1.


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ICGA treasure’s report for 2023

H Iida

ICGA Journal , 2024 , pp 1-2.


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Special Issue on Advances in Computer Chinese Chess

C Chen , J Chen , I Wu

ICGA Journal , 2024 , pp 1-2.


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The IPSJ game informatics: Activity report

H Tsuyoshi

ICGA Journal , 2024 , pp 1-3.


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GameTable COST action: kickoff report

É Piette , W Crist , D Soemers , ... , A Morenville

ICGA Journal , 2024 , pp 1-17.


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