Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1744-6635 ( Print )   |   1744-6643 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence (IJBFMI)

Aim & Scope

Efficient integration of mathematical techniques and marketing intelligence is of crucial importance for a successful business forecasting process. IJBFMI, a fully refereed journal, publishes articles that link current practice and theory in the business forecasting field. This includes new forecasting domains (e.g. rule-based forecasting, fuzzy logic forecasting, spline regression forecasting, etc.) and the growing area of business/marketing intelligence involving environmental scanning, “brain" monitoring, innovative intelligence methodologies, coopetition, strategic decision support systems, etc. Topics covered include: Business forecasting process, principles and competitions; Time series forecasting methods; Marketing intelligence; Judgmental and new products forecasting; Forecasting for the supply chain and in business; Biases of the forecasting manager; Seasonal and weather adjustments; Adjusting for special events (promotions, strikes); Financial and budget forecasting; Marketing forecasting, forecasting software, e-forecasting. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 9, ISSUE 3
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