Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1744-2370 ( Print )   |   1744-2389 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM)

Aim & Scope

Globalisation of market and operations places tremendous pressure on productive management of services and manufacturing enterprises. Services are increasingly important in today's developed economies. Nevertheless, manufacturing plays a major role in national economies and is essential for the survival of service organisations. Considering the globalisation of services and manufacturing, a journal focusing on global perspective of operations management is of paramount importance. IJSOM focuses on new strategies, techniques and technologies for improving productivity and quality in both manufacturing and services. Topics covered include: Operations strategy in services/manufacturing, SMEs; Designing service/manufacturing enterprises, virtual enterprises; Value chain perspectives; Service blue printing; Service delivery process, performance measures/metrics; Managing capacity; Managing and measuring quality; Information technology, MRP, ERP; Human resources; Production planning and control, scheduling, JIT; Lean/agile production; Supply chain/inventory management; Product and process design; E-commerce and operations; Location and facility planning. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 48, ISSUE 3
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