Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0705-5900 ( Print )   |   1480-9214 ( Online )   Active

Journal Atmosphere-Ocean

Aim & Scope

Atmosphere-Ocean is the principal scientific journal of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS). It contains results of original research, survey articles, notes and comments on published papers in all fields of the atmospheric, oceanographic and hydrological sciences. Arctic, coastal and mid- to high-latitude regions are areas of particular interest. Applied or fundamental research contributions in English or French on the following topics are welcomed: climate and climatology, observation technology, remote sensing; forecasting, modelling, numerical methods, physics, dynamics, chemistry, biogeochemistry, boundary layers, pollution, aerosols, circulation, cloud physics, hydrology, air-sea interactions, waves, ice, energy exchange and related environmental topics. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1963  -  1977  ) Atmosphere (  1978  -  9999  ) Atmosphere-Ocean
4 RESULTS in 11 msec


No authors listed.

Atmosphere-Ocean , 2024 , pp 1-2.


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Performance Evaluation of High-resolution Reanalysis Datasets Over North-central British Columbia

No authors listed.

Atmosphere-Ocean , 2024 , pp 1-21.


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