Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0361-0918 ( Print )   |   1532-4141 ( Online )   Active

Journal Communications in Statistics : Simulation and Computation

Aim & Scope

The Simulation and Computation series intends to publish papers that make theoretical and methodological advances relating to computational aspects of Probability and Statistics. Simulational assessment and comparison of the performance of statistical and probabilistic methods will also be considered for publication. Papers stressing graphical methods, resampling and other computationally intensive methods will be particularly relevant. In addition, special issues dedicated to a specific topic of current interest will also be published in this series periodically, providing an exhaustive and up-to-date review of that topic to the readership. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1973  -  1975  ) Communications in Statistics (  1976  -  9999  ) Communications in Statistics : Simulation and Computation
Companion / Sister Periodical(s)
1 RESULTS in 3 msec
Active ( 1976  -  9999 )   Communications in Statistics : Theory and Methods

0361-0926 ( Print )  1532-415X ( Online ) 
Taylor and Francis Group

782 13583
127 RESULTS in 18 msec