Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0373-2568 ( Print )   |   1988-4281 ( Online )   Active

Journal Pirineos : Journal on Mountain Ecology

Aim & Scope

Pirineos. A Journal on Mountain Ecology publishes papers dealing with the dynamics of mountain ecosystems, that is, with processes and relationships established between living beings and their environment, in the highest regions on earth. Therefore it tries to explain the global functioning of mountainous areas and the spatial organization of processes and resources, with an integrated perspective in which man performs an important role. Pirineos accepts original works with new and important scientific data on Mountain Ecology, especially those containing information about the extant fluxes between subsystems, the influence of man in the evolution and dynamics of mountain environment, the trophic relationships between living beings and the functioning of different features that constitute the basis of mountain ecosystems. [1]

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2023 - VOLUME 178
8 RESULTS in 14 msec

Morfogénesis de las lagunas glaciares de las sierras de Guadarrama y Gredos (sistema Central ibérico)

No authors listed.

Pirineos : Journal on Mountain Ecology , 2023 - VOLUME 178 , p e076.


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Impactos culturales de la desaparición de los glaciares de Aneto y Maladeta

No authors listed.

Pirineos : Journal on Mountain Ecology , 2023 - VOLUME 178 , p e079.


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Nueva población de pico mediano (Dendrocoptes medius) en el Pirineo aragonés

No authors listed.

Pirineos : Journal on Mountain Ecology , 2023 - VOLUME 178 , p 003.


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Impacto de los incendios forestales en la regulación de las inundaciones y la depuración del agua

No authors listed.

Pirineos : Journal on Mountain Ecology , 2023 - VOLUME 178 , p 004.


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