Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1061-1959 ( Print )   |   1558-092X ( Online )   Active

Journal Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia

Aim & Scope

Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia contains unabridged translations of manuscripts, articles and parts of books. Materials are selected which best reflect developments in anthropology and archeology in the Newly Independent States and are of most interest to those professionally concerned with these fields. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1962  -  1992  ) Soviet Anthropology and Archaeology (  1992  -  9999  ) Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia
2020 - VOLUME 59, ISSUES 3-4
8 RESULTS in 11 msec

Introduction: Ecology Lessons: Community Solidarity, Indigenous Knowledge, Civic Society in Crisis

No authors listed.

Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia , 2020 - VOLUME 59, ISSUES 3-4 , pp 167-176.


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Manipulations of Public Consciousness in the Environmental Conflict on Kushtau

No authors listed.

Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia , 2020 - VOLUME 59, ISSUES 3-4 , pp 177-199.


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Citizen Agency and Ecology in Krasnoyarsk

No authors listed.

Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia , 2020 - VOLUME 59, ISSUES 3-4 , pp 200-225.


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Battle for Bikin: How a Far Eastern Park Was Born

No authors listed.

Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia , 2020 - VOLUME 59, ISSUES 3-4 , pp 226-241.


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Fire and Water: Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Climate Challenges in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

No authors listed.

Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia , 2020 - VOLUME 59, ISSUES 3-4 , pp 242-266.


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Aboriginal Entrepreneurship in the Sphere of Fishing: The Example of Sakhalin

No authors listed.

Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia , 2020 - VOLUME 59, ISSUES 3-4 , pp 291-315.


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