Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1753-0563 ( Print )   |   1753-0571 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Applied Cryptography (IJACT)

Aim & Scope

Information security is important to the rapid growth of the Internet and advances of computer systems. However, existing journals on information security mainly focus on either theory or specific areas of information and computer security. IJACT aims to introduce new ground between these two areas. It proposes and fosters discussion on cryptographic algorithms and protocols that are directly applicable. Topics covered include: Anonymity; Authentication; Broadcast encryption; Ciphers; Cryptanalysis; Data security; Digital cash; Digital signatures; E-auction and e-commerce; Encryption; E-gambling; E-voting; Key distribution; Identification and identity-based cryptography; Online fraud and web security. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 4, ISSUES 3-4
8 RESULTS in 12 msec

Efficient revocable identity-based encryption with equality test

J Du , S Ma , T Yang , Q Huang

International Journal of Applied Cryptography (IJACT) , 2024 - VOLUME 4, ISSUES 3-4 , pp 205-218.


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Yoyo cryptanalysis on Future

S Mondal , M Rahman , S Sarkar , A Adhikari

International Journal of Applied Cryptography (IJACT) , 2024 - VOLUME 4, ISSUES 3-4 , pp 238-249.


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