Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1872-7859 ( Print )   |   2212-9790 ( Online )   Active

Journal Maritime Studies

Aim & Scope

Maritime Studies (or MAST) is an existing journal, formerly produced by the Center for Maritime Research (MARE) in Amsterdam. It will now be published open access together with Springer in its SpringerOpen portfolio of peer-reviewed fully open access journals. MAST  is an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to maritime issues and is a sequel to Maritime Anthropological Studies, which appeared between 1988 and 1993. MAST has a social science focus, but functions as a platform for scholars from a broad range of disciplines who are engaged in research on maritime and coastal matters, from an academic or applied point of view. MAST was launched on December 4, 2002 and is published twice per year. MARE (Center for Maritime Research) is an interdisciplinary social-science institute studying the use and management of marine resources. Its objective is to provide a stimulating intellectual climate for academics and policymakers in Europe as well as in the South. Although MARE limits its action radius to the social sciences, it seeks active collaboration with other disciplines. It strives to maintain a balanced mix of academic and policy-oriented research. MARE takes a global perspective, emphasizing the coastal zones of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It covers a broad spectrum of topics, drawing on expertise from fields such as law, history, economics, political science, public administration, anthropology, and geography. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1988  -  1993  ) Maritime Anthropological Studies (MAST) (  2002  -  9999  ) Maritime Studies
2024 - VOLUME 23, ISSUE 3
9 RESULTS in 13 msec

A discursive field of contested ethics: Reporting the UK’s blue economy in the making

G Winder

Maritime Studies , 2024 - VOLUME 23, ISSUE 3


0 40


Coastal fisheries and community-based support systems in post disaster contexts

C Obregón , A Sokach , P Neihapi , ... , D Steenbergen

Maritime Studies , 2024 - VOLUME 23, ISSUE 3


0 24


Correction: What is the Blue Economy? A spatialised governmentality perspective

A Midlen

Maritime Studies , 2024 - VOLUME 23, ISSUE 3


0 0


Practices and informal institutions governing artisanal gillnet fisheries in Western Ghana

I Seidu , L Brobbey , O Paul , ... , N Dulvy

Maritime Studies , 2024 - VOLUME 23, ISSUE 3


0 57