Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1096-4762 ( Print )   |   1520-6874 ( Online )   Active

Journal Thunderbird International Business Review

Aim & Scope

Thunderbird International Business Review is a refereed journal published six times a year which aims at advancement and dissemination of research in the field of international business. Its main target audience includes academicians and executives in business and government. The globalization of markets and businesses brings the need for more active communication and a greater exchange of thought and research among scholars and practitioners throughout the world. Thunderbird International Business Review encourages the development of innovative ideas and new research methods for understanding the challenges confronting global business. Papers whether empirical field study or conceptual should help to bridge the gap between academics and the business community. Therefore the journal emphasizes applied research. Priority will be given to papers having carefully developed methodology insightful conceptual development and practical and analytical solutions to international business problems. Interdisciplinary approaches will be welcome. Appropriate topics for papers include various aspects on international business such as human management marketing finance and accounting. Papers dealing with economic political legal socio-cultural or technological issues related to international business are also appropriate. It is the editorial policy of Thunderbird International Business Review to inform authors(s) of its editorial decision usually within four months from the date of receipt of the manuscript. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1999  -  2001  ) Global Focus (  1998  -  9999  ) Thunderbird International Business Review
(  1959  -  1997  ) International Executive (  1998  -  9999  ) Thunderbird International Business Review
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