Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0354-0243 ( Print )   |   1820-743X ( Online )   |   2334-6043 ( Online )   Active

Journal Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research (YUJOR)

Aim & Scope

YUJOR - The Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research is an international journal dealing with all aspects of operations research, systems science, and management science. YUJOR publishes refereed papers describing significant results in the above areas whether theoretical or empirical, mathematical or descriptive. The international composition of YUJOR's Editorial Board particularly welcomes manuscripts devoted to applications involving novel ideas and relations with future information technologies. YUJOR publishes contributed papers, survey papers, tutorial expositions, and technical notes. The Journal also has pages devoted to book reviews, calendars of the forthcoming events, and other short messages about the related activities in the profesional fields. [1]

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