Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0163-7169 ( Print )   |   1542-5681 ( Online )   Active

Journal China Business Review

Aim & Scope

China Business Review is the official magazine of the US-China Business Council, a nonprofit and nonpartisan trade association that represents more than 200 American companies doing business in China. The magazine has published China trade and investment news and analysis since 1974. Our coverage includes market-entry strategies, opportunities in specific sectors, analysis of new laws and regulations, government and political news, and tips on how to conduct business in China. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1974  -  1976  ) US-China Business Review (  1977  -  9999  ) China Business Review
1991 - VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3
1 RESULTS in 9 msec

One billion and counting.

J Banister

China Business Review , 1991 - VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3 , pp 14-16, 18.

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