Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1476-6825 ( Print )   |   1747-7654 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change (JTCC)

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change (JTCC) is a peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary and transnational journal. It focuses on critically examining the relationships, tensions, representations, conflicts and possibilities that exist between tourism/travel and culture/cultures in an increasingly complex global context. The JTCC provides a forum for debate against the backdrop of local, regional, national and transnational understandings of identity and difference. Economic restructuring, recognitions of the cultural dimension of biodiversity and sustainable development, contests regarding the positive and negative impact of patterns of tourist behaviour on cultural diversity, and transcultural strivings - all provide an important focus for the JTCC. [1]

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